There is only the present time.  It is memory that exists; not the past. History is a set of recorded events accompanying us in the form of present stimuli.  Memory is a doubled edged tool and we have needs. Even the hardest facts are carried forward as if braille in soft clay; we change our history by reading it.
An observer cannot be robbed: there are no interruptions when observation of immediate reality is the goal.  He observes immediate reality or he defines it.  Either way, the interruption or the act of definition is how an observer loses himself – this self or that self. 


In recollecting our youth we realize that some of the confusion was not ours, but that those who made bad choices, or never had the courage to make a critical choice, needed to rewrite “our” thoughts in order to confirm their redeeming narrative – to paint over their confusion. They disguised themselves  as “teachers.”

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