metamorphosis of Evil into Good, The Mechanics of Virtue, aphorism 253


When evil requires assistance, it goes to God’s cage and offers the shared-goal as a gift.  In this cage the agent of evil has not only taken one or two steps toward the Good but must also place over himself the mask of God.  Now, the longer one holds a branch down the more likely it is to preserve this new shape.  Likewise, the longer the evil man wears the mask of God, the more he will adapt to the role.  The metamorphosis of Evil into Good might even complete itself in two or three generations.  Its progeny have not only inherited the original gestures, but have lost sight of the original motives.  Now they only follow in the direction signified by the inherited gestures ... in a sincere pursuit of the Divine.  It is not only the devil then that can take advantage of weakness with a deceitful temptation.  God too can tempt the devil with necessity.

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