Concepts of virtue to
enable primitive drives: Where there is not enough love of reality to
understand the basis for one’s own passionate expression, one compensates by
increasing the decibels behind the declaration.
Whatever it is that is under pressure must be discharged. This is a “passionate state of mind” assisted
by authoritative concepts. By that, we mean stimuli whose cognitive responses are
laden with the sense communal approval -- the social hierarchy we inherited or
the philosophers we admire, for example.
At this point to disagree on the basis of the invalidity of another’s passionate expression is to continue our neglect of the self-same mechanism within ourselves. But it is a reflex we cannot seem to avoid: we attempt to remedy the illogic by “correctly” attaching virtuous concepts to rigorous logic, pointing out the other’s illogic, all in this conceptual collision of separate causal sequences which do not otherwise come into contact with each other. Our pressure swells up, and we increase in decibels what we lack in understanding, emerging into view as our passion for the rational view.