The Last, Surviving Religion:

Advances in communication networking have surpassed the ability of the social hierarchy to control its message. Religion objects to its own history. Belief is now a consequence in one chamber of the mind vying desperately with another. That which formed one’s ancestors carried forward who one must not be: what had been present necessities long ago are today historical absurdities … even atrocities.  

Neglect has been the great pacifier of our spirit. Consciousness has been reconstructed over time by those select facts which spared the mind its humiliation, alongside the sum total, which now lies in wait. This cold, vindictive, Old Testament God is real: He is the unmoving default reality of our failed religions. This God is coming. The default consciousness is inevitable: we will either surrender to our bad religion or to our reality. Only in the latter is there one redemption possible: a clear understanding of the trap.  Is it too much, or too little, to say that clarity is its own reward, when clarity is the only reward?  

This experience of clarity, as illusion, as disillusion … this flickering candle will be the last remaining religion.

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